Hi, I’m Beatriz Oliveira!

I’ve been in the technology area for 10 years, currently serving as a Cloud Engineer and leading communities focused on women in leadership and technology.

About me

Professional experience and
academic background

As a technology professional, he has extensive experience in creating and sustaining critical environments used on a large scale. My academic background includes an MBA in Solutions Architecture and a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems. Additionally, I have more than 10 technical certifications focusing on cloud, infrastructure and observability.


In recent years, I have worked directly with cloud computing, focusing on processes inherent to the adoption and use of this technology in organizations, always seeking to achieve success in digital transformation journeys using various providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Huawei Cloud and Oracle Cloud.


Currently, I am a Cloud Engineer at Vivo (Telefônica Brasil), where I work with the management of cloud technologies. Furthermore, I had the privilege of voluntarily leading the Vivo Mulheres participation group for two years, with the aim of promoting gender equity and inclusion in the company. During my leadership, we developed more than 70 initiatives that positively impacted more than 10 thousand employees.


For seven years, I have been volunteering in communities, performing various activities such as creating articles, tutorials, organizing Meetups, lectures at events and managing social networks.

A big part of my work is dedicated to disseminating technical content on infrastructure and cloud, as well as promoting gender diversity in technology and female leadership in the corporate world.

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organized events
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hours volunteering

My Projects


I am a co-founder of the SysAdminas Community, a group that since 2018 is dedicated to encourage the participation of women in areas such as IT Infrastructure, Cloud and DevOps, through collaborative and free specialization and mentoring actions.

She Leads Brasil

I am a co-founder of She Leads Brazil, a community created in 2023 with the purpose of promoting female protagonism, providing the development of skills for women to thrive and lead their own journeys.


I have more than 110 articles published on Medium, with more than 150,000 views, covering topics such as cloud computing, IT infrastructure, observability, careers in technology and diversity.


I am a co-author of a book on gender diversity in technology, published by Casa do Código, in which we discuss the importance of diversity and inclusion (D&I) for companies and society.

I am Remarkable

I am an enabler of #IamRemarkable, an initiative that empowers people, including those from minority groups, to openly share their achievements in their careers and personal lives. I have conducted several workshops, helping more than 500 people rewrite positive narratives about themselves.


I offer mentoring focused on curriculum enhancement and LinkedIn for technology professionals, content creation for technology communities and career transition to cloud computing.


I participate as a speaker in several events, including Meetups from various technology communities, as well as major conferences such as Campus Party, The Developers Conference, Global Azure, Open Source Summit, VMworld, VMware Explore, Elastic Community Conference and AWS Summit.


My community work is recognized through several global programs and awards, including four consecutive years in the Elastic Contributor Program, four consecutive years in the VMware vExpert program, two consecutive years as Microsoft MVP, AWS Community Builder, Google Techmakers Ambassador, and Pass It On Award from Anita Borg Institute.
